Monday, November 7, 2011


One of the other things that Chimpzilla needs, BESIDES $1-$5, [COUGH IT UP!!!] is help getting the word out about what we are doing! Since anyone foolish enough to read this Blog is likely already a Fan of the Colbert Report, we would LOVE IT if you might consider MERCILESSLY PESTERING THEM TO HAVE US AS GUESTS, so that we can discuss what we are doing, and get the COLBERT BUMP! Aside from personally being a Shameless Media Whore, I am also really really really trying hard to make this project a SUCCESS! I have been working tirelessly for more than two years now [OFTEN WITHOUT SLEEP - YEAH, IT'S TRUE!!!] to develop this Business so that we can do all the things that all you WONDERFUL, ACTIVE, HAPPY, SWEET, CARING, ALTRUISTIC, ETC People have been dreaming of! So, here is the Contact information for the Colbert Report Person!

Renata Luczak

For right now, please ask them to come to this Blog to learn more! There IS going to be a Website and a Facebook Page shortly, but we are already dying from overwork, SO IT IS TAKING TIME!!! WE will make certain that they have all the Goods necessary to deem us worthy of making noise on Colbert!

Also, we really really really need a Code Geek to help us with our Site! We are looking for someone familiar with all the Basic Coding of the Web [HTML, Java, Python, Perl, MySQL, etc], plus knowledge of Joomla, Flash Actionscript 3, and Facebook API Code. While we are fundraising there is no pay involved. However, once we have raised our Operating Capital Goals, there is a JOB IN THE MIX! We would prefer to hire someone who is either a Veteran, Discouraged Worker [Been out of work for a long long long time], or someone who has some Disability or Situation that needs accommodation. Why? Because THAT is the purpose of our Company! We are trying to help those most in need! If you have a Brand New Motor Yacht, or are finishing your 5th Carton of Häagen-Dazs® Ice Cream, you are already set! You don't need US! If you are interested, please send an email with all your IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO:


I used the UNUSUAL ADDRESS AS A WAY TO FOIL THE EVIL BOTS THAT TROLL OUR SUCH INFORMATION! You know that! Don't play dumb with me! Be aware that we could not care less about your Gender, Age, Religion, or any of the nonsense! If you are breathing, and you are able to help us, we may be just what you are looking for!

Also, if you know of any decent, caring, and WEALTHY PERSON who might be interested in investing in this Company, please DEMAND that they contact us so we can ENLIGHTEN THEM as to why they should invest with us! Not only are we ANGELIC PEOPLE, we also know "STUFF" and "THINGS" about BIZNUS too!!! We can run down the Budget, Profitability Projections, and so on to them! We are soon to start a Wish List of CRAPOLA that we need on Watch for THAT, because you probably have STUFF that you have been dying to give away, but have no idea WHO to give it to! SO, give it to us! We'll do SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT! If we can't use it to help our cause, we can at least direct you to someplace that will use it to do good! SO, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND EITHER DONATE [to the right] OR CONTACT US WITH YOUR SKILLS [if you have SKILLS that you think we could EXPLOIT, contact us] OR DO SOMETHING!!!

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