Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Extremely "Sensitive" Reporting from Reuters.com

Once again, the Corporate Media has shown their abiding Concern and Humane Understanding by the Content of their Reporting. Good Reporting should ALWAYS reflect what People want to know about MOST! That's why I am so Impressed and Awed by the Coverage of Reuters.com at 9:40 PM, Pacific Daylight Time, their top News Story on about Japan on their Website was:

If I sound SARCASTIC or maybe even ANGRY, it's only because I AM! I have no problem with Corporations earning Money [unless they are Scum like Monsanto or Halliburton - yes, this is my opinion about these two Corporations], and I find the abandonment of Reporting on the ongoing Nuclear Crisis and Cleanup in Japan offensive enough. But, REPORTING THAT THE PARTS SHORTAGE CAUSED BY THE JAPAN CRISIS IS HURTING APPLE'S PROFITS IS BEYOND DISGUSTING TO ME! Perhaps I simply do not understand the Value to the World of Apple, or I am confused about why Reuters.com is obviously more interested in talking about Failed Profit Projections than doing some investigative Reporting on the Dangers that continue to threaten Japanese Citizens and the World from the Compromised Reactors, BUT I DOUBT IT!

If you are as disgusted by their Priorities as I am, then PLEASE let Reuters know that you would like to see more RELEVANT AND HUMANE REPORTING. Here is the Contact Information for Thomson Reuters, the Parent Corporation of Reuters.com:

Please let them know that you would actually like to know about People BEFORE PROFITS, and that, while Stories about the iPod, iPad, iPhone, and other Apple Products make Apple Happy, they are not what Reuters.com Readers actually care the most about. Lots of Japanese People continue to suffer, and it may be that the Danger from the Reactors has increased rather than diminished. Do we need to have our News Censored and chosen for us by Corporate Sponsors? PLEASE LET THEM KNOW THAT THIS ANGERS YOU TOO!

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