Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Nudism/Naturism Is Going To Save The World

This is one of my Latest and Greatest Theories [Aside from my Belief that Donald Trump is an Alien from another Hideous Casino-Bad-Toupee Planet]: Nudism, sometimes also referred to as Naturism, will end all Wars, Racism, and other Competitive Aggressions. [Cool Theory, no?]

Nudism has a unique History, which actually has very little to do with the Perverse Notions [YOU SICKOS!] that People have about Nudists. While Modern Homo Sapiens [Yes, I believe in Evolution . . . Sorry] have been Nude on and off throughout History, the initial point at which People deliberately engaged in "Nudism" is up for debate [though many sites claim to have specific dates - which all disagree - what jerks]. However, here is a wonderful [Euro-Centric] piece on Nudist History:

As with most of our Recorded History, no one knew that they were "Properly Nudists" until some Europeans told them so. So, when the Gnostics paraded around, engaged in their Religious Practices in the Nude [they were actually a little like Orgies], they were not actually "Nudists." Later the Europeans corrected them, [and their "Unholy" Behaviors] and now there are published "Ideals" that Nudists/Naturists have been given by "Civilized" People:

From [the Least Reliable Source on Earth] Wikipedia:

Naturist Ideals [From Vivre Nu: Psychosociologie du Naturisme, Marc-Alain Descamps]:

Rapport with animal life — having an ecological conscience
Rapport with the environment — being an environmentalist
Health — bathing in the sun, fresh air and water (balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, heliotherapy), Yoga, Tai Chi.
Healthy food — moderation with alcohol, meat, tobacco, drugs; seeking out health foods and adopting healthy eating to prevent obesity. This can extend to teetotalism and Vegetarian or Vegan eating habits. The latter two also interface with having respect for the environment.
Agriculture — avoiding unnecessary fertilizers and genetically modified organisms. Against factory farming
Medicine — should be natural if not entirely homeopathic
Psychotherapy — as a way of effecting personal changes
Rapport with other humans — equality and respect. An anti-war, pro-world government stance
Pedagogy — children should be respected as equals instead of being patronised
Spirituality — man is no more than an animal, and nudity has a place in religion.
Dress — nudism, as clothes are unnecessary, unhealthy and build social barriers.
Sports — to develop a healthy body.
Arts — should be to develop individual talents, not as a means of financial exploitation
Tourism — to understand other peoples' culture, concentrating on camping to remain close to the earth.
Liberty — no one has the right to tell others or their children that they must wear clothes.
Pollution — less clothing to manufacture and maintain means lower carbon footprint.

Not every Nudist/Naturist follows these Ideals Religiously. Most Nudists adhere to at least a few [they are all Nude, however]. These Ideals might constitute a "Hippie's Creed" to some, but to these Naked People, they are simply a Natural Way to Live. And, for the Dope Smoking Sex-Crazed Fiends who are looking for Naked Orgies, you will find Nudism/Naturism very disappointing. Since a Safe and Healthy Environment for Families, Public Sexuality IS NOT part of most Mainstream Nudism. Put those Sexual Appetites [and Sexual Toys] away! You ARE disappointed, aren't you? You should ashamed of yourselves!

The Video above is an oddball Video supposedly about being Naked in the 21st Century. More appropriately, it looks like some demented and perverted Videographer's Notion of an Asian Nudist Paradise. These are the Grandiose Notions that most People [like YOU? . . . likely? . . . possibly? . . . potentially?] tend to carry about Nudists. Nudists are actually nothing like this [save that they are Nude]. Here are some things real Nudists are more like to do:

Or maybe engage in something Artistic like this [ACTUAL NUDITY]:

Here is a Link to an Actual Nudist Library [Do they really READ there?]:

Now, to the essence of my Far-Fetched [but ultimately CORRECT] Theory [ACTUAL NUDITY]:

That was actually totally irrelevant to my point and therefore TOTALLY GRATUITOUS, but I enjoyed Posting it, nonetheless. Tell me that you didn't too? Yeah, right!

So, here is the REAL ACTUAL ESSENCE OF MY THEORY. Nudism will save the World for the Following LOGICAL [Not Perverse] REASONS [In no Particular Order or Priority]:
  • It is extremely difficult to be Angry with someone who is standing in front of you Totally Nude.
  • It is next to impossible to conduct Wars with Totally Nude Soldiers.
  • It is next to impossible to hide Weapons on one's Person when one is Totally Nude. [Don't over think this one!]
  • It is next to impossible to hide Sexual Arousal when one is Totally Nude.
  • Suicide Bombers are easily spotted when they are Totally Nude.
  • Being that most People are Self-Conscious about their Appearance, Nudity might encourage many People to either become Comfortable with their Bodies, or Work Harder to Change them for the Better.
  • If we were All Nude, we would see that others are just as Pathetic as we are.
  • With everyone being Nude, that Perverse "Curiosity Factor" that causes some People to mindless pursue others, would be gone.
  • If we were All Nude, one might think twice before getting a Skull [or something else equally bizarre] Tattooed on our Ass.
  • A Nudist Workplace would be much more interesting, and your Deficient Boss [Guess where?]would hit on you a lot less.
  • If we were All Nude, the Term "Slutty Clothes" would be moot.
  • If we were All Nude, then Women would always know when a Man had brought a Condom with them on a Romantic Outing, or Gruesome One Night Stand.
  • If we were All Nude, Religious Services would take on entirely new Dimensions [This is going to piss off some People for certain!].
  • If we were All Nude, the Internet would have much less Porn, and lots more Information [This is really going to piss some People off!].
  • If we were All Nude, Fashion would die, and we would All stand more equal in the World.
  • If we were All Nudists, we would save Tons of Money by not having to buy lots of Clothes! [We would only cover ourselves to escape the Cold].
  • If we were All Nudists ___________________________________ [Add your Contribution below in the Comments].
Now, I expect that many of you now want to BE NUDISTS. In fact, I am certain that my brilliant [I could be brilliant sometimes!] Theory has convinced you to shed your Clothes and be Free of Convention [or whatever that makes you "Free of"]. So here is a wonderful Link to help you further your Future Nudist/Naturist Lifestyle:

Lastly, please learn all you can about the Etiquette of Nudism BEFORE you begin your New Nudist Adventure! Rude Nudists Suck! And, please do not send me Pictures [What am I saying???] of your Nude Adventures, because that would reduce your New Nudist Lifestyle to nothing more than a Grandiose Oddball Odyssey. No one wants that for you! Be Happy! Be Free! Make the World a Better Place! Go Nude!

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