A recent pair of Studies conducted by Researchers at Princeton University concluded that High Fructose Corn Syrup caused a Statistically Significant increase in Weight Gain over that which is caused by equivalent amounts of Standard Table Sugar. These were among the first Long-Term Studies done on HFCS, but the Results mirrored those of previously undertaken Studies.
In spite of all this Data on the Hazards of HFCS, a number of the Members of the House of Representatives remained unconvinced. In fact, when asked by Corn Refiners to endorse a Name Change for HFCS from "High Fructose Corn Syrup," [the "Frankensweet" name that has been tarnished by the unfavorable Results from Studies], to "Corn Sugar," [an innocuous "Bo Peep" name that suggests "Purity" and "Virginity"], two of the Representatives sent off a letter urging approval of the Name Change to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
I am not certain if the fact that both Representatives come from States that grow lots of Corn [I am typing with a sarcastic smurk on my Face right now] had anything to do with their decision to support the Name Change. Presumably, they could argue that they were concerned about Jobs, Local Economies, etc, and that there are good reasons why they went to bat for the Corn Refiners. Those of us with Wild Eyes, Overpriced Cell Phones, and Overactive Imaginations, have trouble accepting such benevolent explanations for their support for the Name Change.
Are these two Congressmen simply "Tools" of the Corn Refiners? In my tarnished and mundane opinion, the answer is "yes." It seems fairly clear, and again this is simply one Person's opinion, that these two Congressmen are flying against Heavy Winds of Reason. They are supporting a Name Change that makes a Product known to be Hazardous to the Health of their Constituents, seem acceptable to serve to the Baby Jesus. Should Citizens really be that concerned and "pissy" about how such High-Ranking Members of Congress approach such issues? Again, my opinionated answer is "yes."
At some point, Americans have got to wake up to the Fact that such "Drinks by the Fire" warm and fuzzy relationships between ANY INDUSTRY and our Public Officials run contrary to Ethical & Professional Practices. The primary function of the Legislature is to serve the Interests and Needs of the Voting Citizens. Corporations, in spite of being known as "Artificial Forms of Life" [like "Data" from Star Trek the Next Generation--owning to some Nit-Wits associated with our Supreme Court], do not Vote, and should not be considered as being of equal in importance to Living and Breathing Humans, who MAY actually Vote at some point.
What should the Average Person do about this horrible Injustice and Crime Against All Humanity? Well, we could start a War between the Pro-Corporate Right-Wing Vigilantes in this Country, and those of Us with functioning Brains, but Billions of Lives would lost, and it wouldn't guarantee that the Survivors would be any better off. Or, in this particular Case, we could write to the Food and Drug Administration ourselves, and DEMAND that they regulate how HFCS is used & labeled more strictly, and write to our own Congress Members, Senators, and the President DEMANDING the same. The Third Option is to consume tons of HFCS-laden Products, and grow large enough to be declared a Sovereign Nation, where you could presumably establish whatever Regulations you wished.
Here are two Links you will need to issue your Peaceful and Disjointed Demands:
Now, go grab that 3 Liter Bottle of Pepsi, and start writing!
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