Thursday, April 14, 2011

Michele Bachmann Speaks Again and Damages Reality

One of the Tea Party's true Forces of Nature, Minnesota Republican Representative Michele "History-Is-Not-My-Best-Subject" Bachmann, made some interesting statements about Obama's future Budget Plans, and the Republican Concept of "Class Warfare." What has always struck me as odd about the whole "Class Warfare" claim, is that the Rich and Powerful Corporations have perceived all the advantages in this so-called "War." Apparently, it's okay for Corporations to Lobby and Rant about Lowering Taxes, but when anyone advocates for having Corporations Pay Any Taxes At All, which many don't do, then those actions constitute a "War."

The other oddity here is that ANY SANE PERSON would entrust their advocacy to Michele Bachmann. While there is nothing overtly grotesque or malformed about her, she certainly is not an Intellectual Giant. She lacks proper English Skills, and apparently stalls frequently when trying to analyze Legal, Social, or Economic Issues. Now, that may qualify her to be on the GOP Roster, but does it bode well for her as a Spokesperson for them?

Here is a story from a Right-Wing Online News Service that pretties up her Speech:

Now, if this causes you projectile vomiting, please do not write angry comments here. Just remember that a Group of Voters in Minnesota thought that this Person should be their Representative in our Government, and then remove all sharp objects from immediate reach.

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