Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger "Technical Issues" . . . Ramblings . . .

For the last few days, the Propellerheads at have been "doing maintenance" on the System. This meant that I could not vent my oddball "Urges" and "Inspirations" to this Blog. I use this Blog as method of expunging the Sickness from my Soul [I speak metaphorically, of course . . . I am Buddhist . . . we don't have the Concept of "Soul" in Buddhism . . . are you listening to me?] and passing it on to my Readers, where they will become sick instead of me.

In the meantime, it looks my problem with H. pylori has reemerged in my Stomach, causing me a WONDERFUL PAIN that was an Ulcer a number of years ago. [There is nothing more WONDERFUL than Pain . . . except maybe not having Pain . . . yeah, that's better]. Read about the Source of my Pain:

As humorous as I find this to be [Ha ha haha haha ha ha ha ha hahaha ha ha ha! Ow!], I have been unable to do much, as stress and fatigue make the symptoms much worse. I read the CDC information just so I can laugh at the misery this causes me [Yes, that IS foolish!], and because I have not slept properly since the worst of the symptoms have returned. [Sleeping is overrated . . . no it isn't . . . am I RAMBLING yet?]

Also, I must protest the continuing worsening of Internet Speeds and Services since the Major Internet Service Providers [ISPs] got the "Green Light" from the FCC [Federally Sanctioned But Corporately Controlled Motherfucking Federal Communications Fucking Commission - Who cares if my expansion doesn't match the abbreviation?] to differentially charge for rates of download on the Internet. [Greedy Bastards!!! - Sorry]. Have you noticed that your Internet Service has sucked lately? Don't blame the Chinese Government or Satan! Blame the FCC! Blame SCOTUS! The ISPs can now charge whatever the fuck they want based on how fast you want your Internet to be. Isn't that nice? [The ISPs DO control the Internet Completely. They are "Communication Nazis," and you SHOULD FEAR THEM! - There, that should make them warm up to me! . . . or not].

Here is something about that has nothing to do with the ISPs at all, but it seemed funny to me:

The Video is a brief, but mild Rant about how a Larger Media Outlet has allegedly [now I can't be sued . . . HA!] cheated a Blogger by using her work without compensating her. What does that have to do with Slower Internet Speeds or Stolen Art? Not a damn thing. But, since I am not 100% currently, I am Rambling as a way to try and let out the Pathologies that I need to share with the World! More unrelated nonsense:

What I am trying to convey here is that I have been ill, and that was "Out of Service." I wanted to POST more to this Blog, but being ill prevented it. In other words, I was unable Post my insane Rantings to Blogger. So, as I was unable to pass along the TRUE FILTH that I have in my Heart to those of you who read this Blog. [Repeat in your own words here]

I recognize that this Post MAY BE a bit sub par, but I promise that I will have a great Post very shortly. Don't forget to send those Nude Pictures [you can if you like . . . especially Cote de Pablo . . . I kind of like the way she looks . . . this is odd . . . unless it works]. And, feel free to Donate something via the Paypal Link to the right, if you have actually been enjoying the Blog, since this horrible Internet Service I use does not pay for itself. Always remember to check the Blog once an Hour for "NEW DEVELOPMENTS," and see you on May 23rd, after the Rapture! ciao for now

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