Thursday, January 26, 2012

Indulging in Alikeness

Today, I have chosen to indulge my Ego by Writing on a very personal, but potentially irritating issue in this Post: Alikeness.

In this usage of the term Alikeness, I mean to expand on several different, but related ideas. While there really is only one actual definition, there are many facets or ideas contained within the concept. I will explore them, with my usual gentle but passionate sensitivities in place.

The first idea contained in Alikeness that I would like to explore is Conformity. In a Nation like the United States, where everyone supposedly has the "FREEDOM" do with their lives as their wishes and financial means dictate, Conformity Rules. For example, in the History of the United States, there has never been a confirmed Non-Christian who has served as President [the ridiculous claims of Barack Obama being a "Secret Muslim," notwithstanding].

I find it quite striking that, in the country where the initial Murderous Pilgrim Settlers landed so long ago to supposedly "escape Religious Persecution," no serious contender for the Office of President of the United States would dare claim to be a member of any Non-Christian Religion. If you think about it at length, which is a rare occurrence in the United States, it is made even more curious by the fact that the First Amendment to the Constitution DEMANDS the Separation of Church and State, (at least according to Slave Owner and Slave Lover, Thomas Jefferson). So, no matter what Religion a President is, they are Constitutionally disallowed from making that Religious Conviction an official part of their service in Office. However, Presidents DO OFTEN invoke the name of "God" in speeches and interviews, blowing that supposed Separation all to "Hell."

But, our National Religion is not the only area in which Conformity exists in the United States. In most places in the United States, it is actually illegal to be Nude in Public. There is the occasional rare and controversial Nude Beach, but many of those places have been the subject of increased scrutiny and scorn by Cities, Counties, and States. Nude Beaches are actually perpetually in danger of being closed. While there is actually no specific language in the Constitution requiring Americans to "Wear Clothes in Public," it is tacitly understood that, even in the absence of Laws Prohibiting Nudity, (and there are actually numerous unusual sounding Laws Prohibiting Nudity around the Country), it is just not decent or acceptable to be Nude in Public.

An idea related to Conformity which is contained in the idea of Alikeness is Sanity. Many [if I actually have "many" Readers] might scratch their heads upon reading this, wondering what relationship there could possibly be between Sanity and Alikeness.

Contrary to what most might believe, Sanity and Insanity are actually artificial Social Constructs. While the term "Mental Illness" refers to something that usually can be defined via Objective Clinical Evaluation - meaning that there are standardized and agreed upon symptoms and definitions that are assumed to be the product of research and evaluation of data, via the Empirical Process - Sanity and Insanity are kind of nebulous terms, that vary from person to person. However, the idea is contained within Alikeness in that it is employed as a Universal, even if few of us actually agree on what it means.

Some, including certain relatives of mine, would consider "Big Wave Surfing" to be an act of Insanity on the part of the Surfer. As a Zen Buddhist who has listened to those who have Surfed Big Waves describe their experiences while surfing, I consider the act to be "Zen." Many speak of a loss of distinction between themselves and the wave, which is really at the heart of what many believe to be the Zen Satori experience. Others just see a crazy dude in the water taking an unnecessary risk.

However, there are certain unwritten rules about Sanity and Insanity that seem to place limits on our behavior. While many might want to bring their own self created contracts with them to the Car Dealer when looking to purchase a car - and there is no law against such an action - doing so would most likely be described as Insane by the most Americans. But why?

Could it be . . . well . . . that most Americans are . . . well . . . mindless idiots? Are we so completely trained to think and do as we are told, that we are willing to police our own behaviors to our detriment?

Which brings me to the next idea contained in Alikeness that I wish to discuss: Fashion.

The Video Posted above is a Video [unofficial] of a Song by the Most Underrated Band on Earth, Fishbone. The Song is called "Subliminal Fascism," and it equates the ideas of Fashion and Fascism in a wonderfully energetic and clever manner.

Fashion is one of the mechanisms that encourages us to police our behaviors without anyone really having to threaten us. It is also the mechanism which makes no appeal to Sanity at all. It exists in an aether of unreality that no fully functioning Mind can ever pierce.

I will not spend a lot of words on Fashion, since words fail to transmit just how useless and uncivilized it truly is.

Another idea contained in Alikeness is the idea of Duplication. It is the CORE of Business. Contrary to what we might want to intuitively believe about Business, most Businesses would love to simply Duplicate one highly successful Product over and over again, with as little change as they can possibly get away with. In fact, many Businesses sell us on the very idea of Uniqueness, by getting us to desire frequently and endlessly Duplicated Products through clever efforts to make them appear Fashionable. "Be unique! Just like everyone else!" Some might call this Insane, but who are THEY to judge what Sanity is?

The last idea contained in Alikeness that I will discuss is Mortality. This component of Alikeness is unique to Living Sentient Creatures. All Living Sentient Creatures will eventually reach the end of their Life Cycle, and experience Death. It is this Mortality that is the great equalizer, expanding our Existential Alikeness.

So, what did I actually accomplish in this Post on Alikeness? Did I actually impart anything of value by these brief and highly subjective ideas? Was there anything specific that the Reader can take away from this Post that will help them in their lives?

"Value" and "Helpfulness" are very personal terms. It will be up to each Reader to determine for himself or herself if this Post had anything of value in it for them. Because, at the end of the day, for all our Alikeness, we are each unique and special in how we perceive and interact with each other, and how we exist the Universe.

Peace and Compassion to you.


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