Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

A "Tea Party" for you on Tax Day 2011?

Ever since those Jolly Souls from the Tea Party started their Happy Terror across our Political System, they have been arranging high profile Events to Publicize their Beliefs and Efforts. The Events are usually arranged in conjunction with appropriate Holidays--at the Mention of certain Popular Patriotic Celebrities--at the Mention of Domestic Disasters [like 9/11]--at the Mention of Wars--and mostly at the Mention of anything that offends the Multiracial Conservative Christian Base that they represent. They are kind-of-a-little-slightly-like-similar-to Roaches, showing up when ANYTHING is found that can sustain their ravenous Crusade, and when they aren't on the March, they hide in places are difficult to look into.

It's always extremely . . . interesting . . . to see and hear Tea Party Devotees discuss their Cause and their Events. Aside from the usual Pixie-Roach-like Jingoisms, Tea Party Devotees frequently spread about [just like a Roach Fairies] Abstract Patriotic and Generic Political Ideals [just like "Roach Fairy Dust"]: "Freedom," "Liberty," "Personal Responsibility," and other equally Commercial Concepts. In practice however, they frequently resort to hiding their sources of Financial Support, [like the Happy-Go-Lucky-Psychotic-Sociopathic Koch Brothers], and a whole list of Corporate Front Groups & other Right-Wing Groups that admire Hitler for something other than his "Clever Mustache" and "Cozy Style."

Take a look at this Video of an Oregon Tea Party Group that has planned an Event for Tax Day, April 15th, 2011. In the Video they explain, in Blurry Vocal Details, who they are, and what kind of Country they want Santa to bring them for Christmas:

It seems apparent that none of these People seem to be able to express, in concrete terms, just what they want to do specifically. Much like the Person who comes and gives you an estimate on how much it will cost to repair your Plumbing, the Language is vague, and does not address how much Shit you will have to deal with before everything is finally "Fixed."

Stepping away from comparing the Tea Party People to Roaches, [which is actually kind of cruel], I think a more appropriate comparison can be made between them and the Paramilitary Sturmabteilung, also known as the SA, of Nazi Germany. [You might correctly ask at this point, isn't that even more cruel than calling them Roaches? Well yes, it actually is. But honestly, they are acting like Nazis, so who cares?] The SA, actually preceded the Schutzstaffel, or SS, of the Nazis. The SA were primarily uneducated rowdies, who were sent in by Hitler, and the Corporations that backed him [Didn't know that Corporations were involved, did you?], to stir up trouble in meeting places like Bars, Churches, and other Public Gathering Areas. They were Racist, Violent, and frequently engaged in Rape, Theft, and destruction of the Private Property of People they deemed "Unfit." Sound at all familiar? [Hint: it's not the Knights of Columbus].

While they marched through the Streets of Germany waving Flags with Swastikas and SA Symbols, they ignited latent Frustrations and Hatreds that may have [must have] been lingering under the Surface, amongst the German Population at Large. Germany was suffering a great "Economic Downturn," and the Nazis found several Groups to Scapegoat. Jews, Gypsies, the Disabled, Homosexuals, and others, were systematically and selectively robbed of their Rights, Beaten, and pretty much not treated nicely.

I am not asserting here, [this is my way of letting you Readers know that I am not an "Insane Hater Radical Monster Nutjob Extremist"], that all Tea Party Devotees are just like the SA. Many of them are actually just confused People, with Poor Education, AND A HUGE NUMBER OF FEARS. They respond to the World in the only way their poor deficient Minds allow, foolishly.

Above is a Video of an SA March from the World War Two Era [September 1934]. Besides the obvious Nazi Swastikas on the Flags, notice the Brown Shirts that they wear. The SA was the Organization that became known as "Brownshirts" for their Brutality and Arbitrary Actions [not for using the wrong Laundry Presoak or Detergent]. What this tell us about their Movement? [Hint: They were Brutal Assholes! . . . Crap! I just gave away the Answer!]

Here's some Video of our Favorite Tea Party People in Madison Wisconsin in February of this year:

Aside from the Person with the Camera's obvious Drug Issues, does anything at all look similar to the SA Rally from 1934? The use of Symbolism over Fact is a wonderful Propaganda Tool that every Person should learn! [Not really. You should be nice. If you're not nice . . . then you're . . . not nice] They carry Flags with lots of Short Slogans and Symbols, but what are they really Demanding? Do they even know? Where are the Port-A-Potties? Where are the Food Vendors? [Those last two questions are actually not relevant to my point, but I wanted to ask someone anyways]

The Violence of the SA was not initially carried out in the open. Initially, the SA simply attended Political and other Public Events to challenge Organizers and Speakers at the Events. Over time however, their Actions became more SINISTER [I wish I had sinister Music to play here], and People began to genuinely fear their presence.

I am not saying [I actually am] that the Tea Party will eventually evolve into an Organization like the Stermabteilung, [again, I am strongly suggesting that], but it does not bode well for Us that the Tea Party is already vilifying a number of Groups. They have a Campaign of Hatred [Yes, Hatred.  Is that too harsh for you? Well, they ARE being Hateful . . . Didn't you know that? . . . Really?] against Muslims, Homosexual, Immigrants from Mexico & Asia, the Homeless, the Disabled, and a whole bunch of other People! [They are ambitious!] Does any of this sound familiar yet?

What can one Person do to stop the Tea Party from becoming Powerful enough to do the kind of harm that those Asshole Nazis did back in the 1930s and 1940s? [Good Question! What, I can't complement myself?] Well, for starters we could DEMAND that our Locally Elected Representatives reject overtly Racist or Provocative Speech or Actions. Attend your BORING CITY OR TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS. Stand up and let your Local Officials know that you won't tolerate their "Foolishness" without some "Political Consequence," If they ignore you, tell your story to the Local Newspaper [if you still have one]. For State and National Officials, send them frequent Letters [with lots of cloaked and nasty threats - just kidding] and Emails, letting them know that, not only do you object to their Language and Political Agenda, but that you are willing to actively CAMPAIGN AGAINST THEM. [They hate that] Tell them that you will stand outside their Offices with Signs saying not nice things about them until they "MAN UP" [couldn't resist] and act like the Public Servants that exist to support ALL THE PEOPLE IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICTS.

Most importantly, dump all your Friends who are Racist, Greedy, or ready to Harm Others. [Weren't expecting THAT, were you?] Think about it, however. If you do not believe in being Racist, Greedy, or Harmful to Others, then why would you wish to associate with People that do? Unless you can honestly expect that these Horrible People [Don't you have any self-respect or taste in friends?] will willingly change for the Better, they can only serve to drag you down [into Hell] with them. Similarly, resign from Organizations or Groups that advocate or support Racism, Greedy or Violence against Others. [Don't play with Matches either!]

I hope this Mindless and Disjointed Rant has been of some use to you. It actually took a while to write, and I had to go the Toilet lots of times while writing it. [I only included that information to be perverse] If you have any questions or comments about this Insane Rant, please include them in the "Comments" Section below, and not on a Rock thrown into a Window of my Home. By the way, Happy Tax Day.

Satan Dies on Tax Day?

The Jamaican Police have done something that Judeo-Islamo-Christendom had failed to do for all of their previous known History: kill the Prince of Darkness. The Story was reported on April 15th, 2011, at 12:30 PM, in Jamaica, West Indies.

Apparently Satan had been in someone's Home along Bog Walk Gorge, when Police surprised He and His Accomplice. A Gunfight ensued, and Satan and His Accomplice were killed. An AK-47, a 9mm Handgun, and a large amount of Ammunition were seized.

The Story made no reference at all to reaction from Jews, Christians and Muslims around the World. Religious Experts suggest, however, that Satan's Death may solve a great number of Problems for all three Religions, since Satan IS known to be the Ruler of Hell. It is now possible that Souls trapped there may have some hope of being released from their Eternal Misery.

This Reporter has learned, from Sources wishing to remain anonymous, that Envoys from the United States, the European Union, and oddly enough, the Chinese, have been dispatched to Hell to negotiate with the Interim Managing Council of Demons. The World Powers apparently want to offer their input to the Council regarding the Selection of a New Leader for Hell--as well as a potential "Rewrite" of Scriptural Law governing the Territories attributed to Hell, and the Transrealm Treaties with Earth and Heaven that may now need to be renegotiated. Officials from Heaven were contacted, but they offered no Official Response at this time.

Have an Article or Issue that you'd like me to "Discuss"?

If you have an Article, Story, or some Issue that you would like me to "Discuss," [What does that mean?] please send Information and Links to this Email Address:

Please do not send Attachments, as I will automatically delete them, and the Email that sent them. I am not only doing this to be mean, but I also cannot afford to catch Herpes from Infected Emails. Also, please be considerate in the types of Emails you send. Nothing involving Explicit Porn or Illegal Activities, and nothing that disparages Non-Public-Figure Individuals whom you simply do not like, and want to send to Monster Island. I am NOT a "Revenge Service." If someone knows how to Email a GOOD Cup of Coffee, or Money, I would be Happy to receive that Information, Coffee, or Cash. Think Hard [while it's still legal] and send some great stuff!

Tax Day Blues?

Stay tuned to this Radio Station! I will be Posting my 1st ever series of Posts dedicated to numerous "Tax Deadline" Issues today! I was also planning on Finally Showing Obama's Birth Certificate for you RIGHT HERE today, but Donald Trump actually found it, and made it into a better looking Toupee for himself. There may be a little Video and Music today, if I can figure out some way Bristol Palin to Dance a Non-Sexual-Nude-Can-Can, and get Barry Manilow to sing a Death Metal Song about Tax Day. Just kidding . . . I think. In any case, STAY TUNED.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup to "Corn Sugar": Magic or "Sweet Talk"?

Apparently, there is a "Sweetness & Love" relationship going on between our Congressional Members and the Corn Refiners. It makes sense, because as everyone knows, American Consumers [and the Healthcare Industry] love Sugar and the sacred High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Chubby and Obese People around the Nation sing the Praises of HFCS [when they aren't wheezing or struggling to draw breath].

A recent pair of Studies conducted by Researchers at Princeton University concluded that High Fructose Corn Syrup caused a Statistically Significant increase in Weight Gain over that which is caused by equivalent amounts of Standard Table Sugar. These were among the first Long-Term Studies done on HFCS, but the Results mirrored those of previously undertaken Studies.

In spite of all this Data on the Hazards of HFCS, a number of the Members of the House of Representatives remained unconvinced. In fact, when asked by Corn Refiners to endorse a Name Change for HFCS from "High Fructose Corn Syrup," [the "Frankensweet" name that has been tarnished by the unfavorable Results from Studies], to "Corn Sugar," [an innocuous "Bo Peep" name that suggests "Purity" and "Virginity"], two of the Representatives sent off a letter urging approval of the Name Change to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

I am not certain if the fact that both Representatives come from States that grow lots of Corn [I am typing with a sarcastic smurk on my Face right now] had anything to do with their decision to support the Name Change. Presumably, they could argue that they were concerned about Jobs, Local Economies, etc, and that there are good reasons why they went to bat for the Corn Refiners. Those of us with Wild Eyes, Overpriced Cell Phones, and Overactive Imaginations, have trouble accepting such benevolent explanations for their support for the Name Change.

Are these two Congressmen simply "Tools" of the Corn Refiners? In my tarnished and mundane opinion, the answer is "yes." It seems fairly clear, and again this is simply one Person's opinion, that these two Congressmen are flying against Heavy Winds of Reason. They are supporting a Name Change that makes a Product known to be Hazardous to the Health of their Constituents, seem acceptable to serve to the Baby Jesus. Should Citizens really be that concerned and "pissy" about how such High-Ranking Members of Congress approach such issues? Again, my opinionated answer is "yes."

At some point, Americans have got to wake up to the Fact that such "Drinks by the Fire" warm and fuzzy relationships between ANY INDUSTRY and our Public Officials run contrary to Ethical & Professional Practices. The primary function of the Legislature is to serve the Interests and Needs of the Voting Citizens. Corporations, in spite of being known as "Artificial Forms of Life" [like "Data" from Star Trek the Next Generation--owning to some Nit-Wits associated with our Supreme Court], do not Vote, and should not be considered as being of equal in importance to Living and Breathing Humans, who MAY actually Vote at some point.

What should the Average Person do about this horrible Injustice and Crime Against All Humanity? Well, we could start a War between the Pro-Corporate Right-Wing Vigilantes in this Country, and those of Us with functioning Brains, but Billions of Lives would lost, and it wouldn't guarantee that the Survivors would be any better off. Or, in this particular Case, we could write to the Food and Drug Administration ourselves, and DEMAND that they regulate how HFCS is used & labeled more strictly, and write to our own Congress Members, Senators, and the President DEMANDING the same. The Third Option is to consume tons of HFCS-laden Products, and grow large enough to be declared a Sovereign Nation, where you could presumably establish whatever Regulations you wished.

Here are two Links you will need to issue your Peaceful and Disjointed Demands:

Now, go grab that 3 Liter Bottle of Pepsi, and start writing!

For "Jimmy" and "Jenny"

Just for the Benefit of those who blush at the use of the term  "Poo Poo," I have decided to Post something that might cause them to Stroke. In our Journey towards a Right-Wing "Utopia," [where no one has Sex unless they are married, and ONLY THEN to Reproduce], I thought it might be time for a little "Side Trip" to Right-Wing "Hell."

While many People disparage and mock Advocates of Reproductive Rights like Family Planning Clinics, and Women's Rights Groups, there are actually places Online where People can purchase "Choice."

Now that the poor Devout Religious Folks have been corrupted, and are probably slinking about at an Orgy and snorting Cocaine, we can feel better knowing that they are at least doing so while fully "Protected." Shut down Family Planning Clinics, and even the Walgreens [no more Pap Smears], and we can move forward into our New Left-Wing World of Polluted Moral Values! Alert the Tea Party that we are doing our bid to destroy all of Western Civilization!

Michele Bachmann Speaks Again and Damages Reality

One of the Tea Party's true Forces of Nature, Minnesota Republican Representative Michele "History-Is-Not-My-Best-Subject" Bachmann, made some interesting statements about Obama's future Budget Plans, and the Republican Concept of "Class Warfare." What has always struck me as odd about the whole "Class Warfare" claim, is that the Rich and Powerful Corporations have perceived all the advantages in this so-called "War." Apparently, it's okay for Corporations to Lobby and Rant about Lowering Taxes, but when anyone advocates for having Corporations Pay Any Taxes At All, which many don't do, then those actions constitute a "War."

The other oddity here is that ANY SANE PERSON would entrust their advocacy to Michele Bachmann. While there is nothing overtly grotesque or malformed about her, she certainly is not an Intellectual Giant. She lacks proper English Skills, and apparently stalls frequently when trying to analyze Legal, Social, or Economic Issues. Now, that may qualify her to be on the GOP Roster, but does it bode well for her as a Spokesperson for them?

Here is a story from a Right-Wing Online News Service that pretties up her Speech:

Now, if this causes you projectile vomiting, please do not write angry comments here. Just remember that a Group of Voters in Minnesota thought that this Person should be their Representative in our Government, and then remove all sharp objects from immediate reach.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monsanto Bad Seeds?

Here is a story that highlights recent activities of one of my Favorite Evil Megacorporations, Monsanto. Among the things that Monsanto is known for are Agent Orange, Roundup Herbicide, Roundup Ready Genetically Modified Crops, and Domination of the World's Food Supply (an opinion of mine). Monsanto People have been running about the World collecting and attempting to Patent Seeds of different Types. Their professed purpose is to preserve and alter these Seeds for the Benefit of all Mankind. Some of us have our doubts about their Beneficence. Here is a Story from Veteran's Today that is less than complementary towards Monsanto:

At some point in my Life, it is my Hope and Dream that I can stop the progress and spread of Monsanto (yes, I consider them to be something similar to a Virus). Expect lots of less than favorable Stories about Monsanto on this Blog in the Future. I can do this because Monsanto has not yet sued, or otherwise threatened me.

My Ongoing Petition for "Congressional Accuracy"

Please consider signing this Petition that I have Authored at

If you like the Petition, then consider sharing it with both Friends and Enemies alike. Thanks.

Restrepo: A Movie about the War in Afghanistan

Check out this Movie when you get the Chance:

It gives a great view of what is happening in Afghanistan.

My New Blog . . .

I have started this New Blog as a vehicle to relieve myself of my Sarcasm, Anger, Information, and occasional Humor. I will try and Post something interesting each and every Day. It is likely that I will say or do something offensive to you. If I do, then oh well. There really isn't any way to avoid offending People when you publish something over the Internet. No matter what you say, someone is going to be offended. So, if I analyze or evaluate something in a manner so offensive that you start smoking from the Ears, either take a deep breath and relax, or never come back to this Blog. I am likely to Anger you again. Here is a sample of the Links I will be Posting:

I hope you enjoy my Blog. Please visit here every day of your Life. Remember, I know where you live.