Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Delayed Until Monday

Well, in spite of promising to have a Post ready for today, I was UNABLE to get it DONE. Being Poor and less well known IS overall a great Joy, but it does lack that certain . . . Money . . . that allows one to not have to struggle to survive everyday. So, it is NOW my Plan to have a Post ready for Monday, when everyone should be aroused and ready for my "Love." Until then, ciao.


Friday, February 24, 2012

See You Sunday!

Your long wait for Sarcasm and unfair Criticism will soon be over! I will be posting a new Blog Entry on Sunday February 26th, 2012! Assuming that you have not already turned to Heroin or Anonymous Sex for relief, you should start to feel much better as I massage your Brains with my Words! Hang in there!

Peace and Compassion to you!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Expanded Break

I had to extend my break from Posting for a few days more. I know that many of my two or three Readers may be having withdrawal symptoms from my Wit and Sarcasm. Be assured, however, that I will be back shortly. I have been busy with a number of projects, including one that took up much of the time I would normally SLEEP. Relief for the damned is on the way, however!

Peace and Compassion.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day - A Break for a Few Days

Happy Valentine's Day! I am taking another short break for a few Days! I will be back on Thursday or Friday with more FUN ANTICS!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

American Exceptionalism = Fascism

It is actually amazing that the United States is still a functioning Nation at all. With some of our more vocal Citizens proclaiming that we are the "Greatest Nation ever," one might expect the rest of the World to resent our assertions and be hostile towards us. [THEY ARE] Nevermind that we are the only Nation EVER to actually use Nuclear Weapons on another Nation, we claim to be "Peace and Liberty Loving People." Are we really?

One of the greatest Liberties that I can personally imagine, is to start off Life in a Healthy and Robust manner. Apparently, the Children born in the United States are not starting off Life with the greatest of advantage. Low Birth Weight is frequently a sign of poor Prenatal Care. Since the United States has no Universal Healthcare System which would provide access to Free or at least Affordable Prenatal Care, we suffer the consequences in terms of large numbers of our Children being born at below recommended Birth Weight.

One of the Freedoms that I value greatly is the idea of living a Life Free of being a Criminal, or a Victim of Crime. If you look at the Chart at the Link above, you will see immediately that the United States is nowhere near being Free of Criminals or Victims of Crime. Is that something that Fox News Nazi Sean Hannity forgot to brag about relative to the Absolute Greatness of the United States of America?

Do Americans actually even know much about the rest of the World? Are we knowledgeable about how the rest of the World works, and what is going on in it?

Much of what Americans currently know about the World has come from learning about Regions of the World as we invade them. And by that time, the information we receive is laden with the Propaganda of World Conquest, along with the usual Market-Based Commercialism.

Are Americans any more knowledgeable about their own Nation though? Are Americans "Experts" on the Democratic Republic that the United States is?

There are numerous indications that Americans are greatly ignorant of, and confused by, the manner in which Government operates in the United States. The United States has one of the longest [never-ending] and most expensive Campaign Seasons of any Industrialized Nation in the World.

Some estimates have suggested that it can take up to a Billion United States Dollars in campaign related spending to conduct a successful run for the Office of President of the United States. Since there are not a Billion people living in the United States, that means that Candidates must depend on a small number of Groups and/or Individuals to give them a lot of money to conduct their campaigns.

Just on face value, it would appear that a small group of donors are influencing our Elections by providing the greatest amount of Money. It would be naive to assume that there is no Hidden Agenda behind making such donations. People usually have some reason for providing resources, and after the recent Citizens United Supreme Court Decision, we have to assume that it may not be one that benefits the Masses.

So, here we are in a Country where Free Speech has been equated to Dollars. The Net Effect is that Power in Concentrated into the hands of a Few Wealthy Groups and Individuals. Is this what makes the United States the "Greatest Best Nation Ever"? There appears to be something about the Reality that does not match the Assertion.

If one is lonely and bored enough to read that entire Article, and do some additional research, one will find something very interesting. It appears that there are numerous similarities between the implementation of a Democratic Republican Government in the United States and Modern Fascism as it has existed around the World. That might shock and anger many reading this, but it is a fair assessment based on the facts.

While the Documentary Film above is controversial in the extreme nature of its claims, there is much of interest in it. There is little doubt, especially since Citizens United Decision, that Corporations exert an ever increasing level of influence over the Political Operations of the United States. That does not bode well, under any empirical method of evaluation, for the largest majority of Citizens of the Nation. Since there is limited influence to be had, by definition, and Money is now Free Speech, those with the most Money now have the largest Body of Free Speech Rights. If the Government is not hearing us, we are not truly being represented in the Political Process.

A rise in Corporate Power has historically been associated with the development of most Fascist States. Corporations do not exist, generally, to advance the common good. They are remnants of Mercantile Ideologies of Imperialist Nations of the past. They exist to promote the interests of a select few, who either have either inherited, forcefully taken, or otherwise gained control of great persuasive power in a Nation. ImperialismFascism, and Corporatism are all essentially the same.

So, I again find myself wondering what people like Fox News' Sean Hannity base their ideas about American Exceptionalism on. Perhaps he is just engaging in one of the other Great Activities of the American Corporate Media: Lying. Without invoking a God, Religion, or any other Magical Ideation, there is no empirical basis for making the claim that the United States of America is the "Greatest, Freest, Best Nation ever given to Mankind by God." And realistically, Nationalism is really just another form of Fascism.

At the end of any sane assessment of the United States, one might come to the conclusion that it is just another Country out of many that exist, have existed, and will ever exist. While there are many unique features to this Country, there are more that are almost exactly the same as every other Country on Earth. America is just a place to live, and its people are just simple Human Beings. We really should strive to grow beyond pedestrian notions of being Better or Greater than all the other Better and Great People on the Planet. If we are to survive and thrive, it is essential that we learn to cooperate rather than compete. American Exceptionalism is a game that is being played by those of questionable sanity, lower intelligence, and compromised morals. I hope the idea will eventually fade away, and become just a bad memory from our History.

Peace and Compassion to you.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Use of Wikipedia Articles

While I do not profess to be any Expert on Library Science, or the Media, or much of anything at all, I am aware that there is a perception in the general Population that Wikipedia, the Free Online Encyclopedia is less than trustworthy. That is an interesting idea, that needs to be at least briefly explored.

Wikipedia is unique in both design and function. It is can be edited by anyone who can access it, and the Articles are thereby constantly under review by any and everyone reading them. It is considered to be an Open Source Website.

The Reliability of the information in Wikipedia is often called into question. As it is an Open Source Project, as mentioned before, there are some who feel that it does not have sufficient controls on the accuracy of the information in the Articles. I find that an odd assertion. Conceivably, Experts from various areas of Research and Media can and do read Wikipedia Articles regularly. Does that not actually make Wikipedia ultimately MORE Democratic than other Sources? And be aware, Recorded Depictions of Reality are often the Product of Consensus,  so Facts are sometimes in dispute.

With the recent rise of Websites that actually check the accuracy of information provided in the Media, and by Politicians and others, it probably should not surprise many People that it appears that we are not living in a World where accurate information is valued so much. Most of what we see and hear via Popular Corporate Media is provided under specific Editorial Guidelines. Does that imply impartiality, or the guarantee that the information is free of Editorial Slant? Not really. There could easily be an Agenda driving the completeness and manner in which information is presented.

Politifact Guide to Fact Checking

If we consider that even Popular Corporate and Governmental Information Distribution Sources can be adulterated in their depiction of Reality, Wikipedia might be considered as viable a source as any. I personally use Wikipedia more as a starting point for any research than as a definitive source for Citation.

So, when I use a Wikipedia Article on this Blog, it should be with the understanding that, while it is no worse than any other source available, it is likely no better. We should never really simply accept information provided to us without double-checking, and should always do as much as we can to verify its accuracy. And no, the "I'm too busy" excuse does not cut it. Double-checking information is as important as any other primary task in Life.

We consume information, so we should be certain that what we consume is wholesome, and accurate. If we are fooled by those who mean to trick and harm us, we might just consider that we may not have exercised due diligence in checking on the accuracy of the information provided to us. I do not mean to blame the victim, but I am suggesting that it is better if we try to avoid becoming victims when it is wholly avoidable.

Peace and Compassion


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I am OFF Tuesday through Friday this Week

Much as I would LOVE to be able to produce my HATEFUL and HYPERCRITICAL Blog Posts 24/365, I am limited by the desire to have enough Money for myself and my family [yes, I have a Wife and Son] to Eat, Pay Bills, and continue Living Indoors. So, owing to an Injury [I will not bore you with the details] and an OVERLOAD of work, I will be taking a few days OFF from making new Posts. I will be back to my Maniacal Posts on the Weekend. But, in the meantime, I would be very happy if some kind Soul [no, I do not believe in an actual Soul, I am a Soto Zen Buddhist] would go to the Link on this Blog and donate enough Money so I could live with fewer Stressors. I would gladly make a long-winded and patronizing Post about that Person, and fall all over myself praising them in an unwarranted fashion. See you this Weekend!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Diamonds are a Murderer's Best Friend!


Every year as we approach Valentine's Day, a horde of Commercials appear for the Gifts associated with LOVE. Flowers, Chocolates, Sexy Clothing, and Diamond Jewelry. If we love our Spouses, we must shower them with some Materials Token of that Love. While these Gifts are expensive, most do not know just expensive they actually are to many around the World.

What harm could come from buying a few Shiny Rocks though? Well, the question turns out to be a complex one. In addition to Conflict Diamonds, Diamonds in General are associated with a number of different illicit activities.

Diamonds are used as Payment for, and Laundering of, innumerable criminal products and services. We are not just talking about Diamonds obtained illegally either. Legally obtained Safe Diamonds are routinely used as a less easily traced method of paying for things that criminals do not want Law Enforcement and/or Governments to know about.

Much of what most people know about Illicit Activities around the World comes from highly stylized depictions of those Activities in Fictional Movies. The Characters and Violence is often portrayed as very infrequent, and always Bigger Than Life. In reality, Violent Crime is actually extremely common. It happens in all 50 States of the Country, every single day of the year. Diamonds are used as payment for quite a bit of it, too.

Around the World, untold types of violence take place with Diamonds as either the payment for, or cause of, that violence. The Ads for these Valentine's Day Classic Gifts never mention this, however. They also do not mention the harm caused by the Mining of Diamonds that is done legally in places like South Africa.

There really is not much more that need be said here. It should be obvious by now that I have a personal dislike of Diamonds, and the people who use them to garner Money. Am I of the opinion that Lovers should find some alternative method of demonstrating the Depth of the Love? OF COURSE I AM! Honestly, Diamonds are nothing but Shiny Rocks! Is all the violence and suffering and denial of Basic Human Rights worth it for Shiny Rocks? I sincerely hope that no one reading this is shallow or insane enough to answer that question with a "Yes." If you are, find another Blog.

Peace and Compassion to you.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Commercials

Is there anything more distinctly American than the idea that certain commercials are actually awaited by a vast audience of eager American Consumers? During the National Football League's annual championship Bowl Game, known as the "Super Bowl," this is exactly what happens. It is a Wet Dream come true for the participating Corporations and Commercial Producers. For some of us, however, it is proof that Americans precipitate much of the oppressive Reality that is created by American Businesses and Government.

And we are like Moths to the Fire. Marketers concoct these horrible creations and Americans oblige by watching them attentively and purchasing the Products, Services, and/or Lifestyles sold in them. Few stop to realize that the Commercials would disappear if they did not produce results. But, they have become the backbone of American Capitalism.

Ever since President Richard Nixon took the United States off of the Gold Standard, our Economy has been driven more intensely than ever by Consumerism. Our entire Gross Domestic Product is dependent on Consumer Sales.

For many of us, myself included, the question that continues to haunt us, relative to this Consumerism is: WHY? What could possibly have gone so wrong in the American Psyche that we believe that "buying shit" will make us Happier? [Yes, the term American Psyche is actually a link to a Book on the Subject that can be purchased at Purchase it from the link on my Page, and I get some Payment as an Affiliate Seller.]

There does seem to at least a loose relationship between Consumerism and a lack of Spirituality in one's life. Experiencing a deeper sense of meaning in one's life can often negate much of the desire to fill that life with stuff instead.

While I am a Soto Zen Buddhist [Buddhism is actually 2,500 years old, by the way], and not a Practitioner of any New Age Spirituality, I believe that the Explanation at the Link above is actually a pretty good one. Religion represents much of the Ritual and Dogma that many people mistakenly associate with Spirituality.

There is clearly a relationship between Protestant Christianity and Materialism. One particular type of Protestant Christian Practice is most closely associated with Materialism: Calvinism. It is from Calvinism that the Protestant Work Ethic arises. In this concept, Material Prosperity is associated with Godliness, and Good Religious Practice.

To state this idea most simply, if God likes you, he makes you Rich. If you act as God wishes, he will like you. And thus, we have a natural Religious Progression towards spending. If God did not you mean for you to spend those Riches, then why would he give them to you?
The more that Capitalism has become closely associated with Americanism, and Americanism has become associated with Religion, the more people equate God and Country. There is nothing more American or Godly than spending.

Spending in a lavish and visual manner also serves to show how much God must Love us. If people cannot see the visible attributions of God's Gift of Wealth, then how will our Peers know how Good we are?

So, back to the Commercials during the Super Bowl. Can it be that the Sponsors of these Commercials are simply trying help Americans find God?

The likely answer is "No." If there is one thing that can be said about most Commercials that is that they are, by and large, self-serving creations of Marketers and Corporations. Do any of the actual Human Beings involved sponsoring and creating such Commercials even believe in a "God"? There is really no way to know. Would they be less Greedy if they did? Again, there is no way to know. History has shown us that belief in Deities does not necessarily prevent Greed. History is actually full of instances of Greedy Violence acted out in the name of Religion.

Back to the question of why are people drawn to Commercials? After looking at the information that I have presented, and doing some investigation on your own, I believe that it would be hard to come up with any answer to that question other than the following:

Commercials are a Contemporary Response to Primal Existential Tensions

People feel a need to Consume as a way to seek a Hedge against their own Mortality. If we have things, we may feel that we are less likely to Die - or at least less likely to notice that we are about to Die. If that seems like a less than Sane Reaction to a complex, and unavoidable component of life, that is because it is not Sane.

Watching ridiculous Commercials during the Super Bowl, and subsequently obeying their stated or implied commands, will not bring one Existential Relief. And even if we perceive such Commercials to be an interesting way to pass the time, we must remember that they were not designed to be merely Entertaining. These Commercials were designed to Sell and/or Persuade. They are a de facto form or Propaganda.

Propaganda works most effectively on its targets on levels that they are usually unaware of. We have our thoughts and actions influenced by it in ways that we are rarely aware of. I used to work at the National Security Agency, and I am fairly familiar with some of the worst of what it does. It is rarely used for good, and even more rarely understood by its targets.

My Blog Posts are themselves, actually a form of Propaganda. Though I make them to try and educate my Readers on subjects that I wish to express my Point of View on, many might consider my Posts to be deceptive and unduly persuasive.

I will neither dispute nor defend such assertions. My Posts speak for themselves. What I would expects my Readers [I have them?] be concerned about, as a Consumers of Information, would be the day that my Posts become part of Commercials during the Super Bowl. They might be just as cute, but who knows what I would be trying to sell you?

Peace and Compassion to you.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Passing on a Saturday Post to do a Superbowl Sunday Post instead

I have decided to forego and Saturday Post and save my limited Energies for a Game-Ending Superbowl Sunday Post! Come back on Superbowl Sunday to see my irritating words! [I loath the Superbowl!]


Friday, February 3, 2012

Off Today to Recover from a Minor Illness

I am OFF TODAY because of a Minor Illness. I should be back in Verbal Combat Form over the Weekend. In the meantime, read all the other wonderful Posts I have made this year, and DONATE SOMETHING using the Button Below. I would not have caught this Minor Illness if you had DONATED before!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Happened to "Our Good Old United States?"

Have you ever heard anyone you know talk about how things have "changed so much in this Country"? I have heard many people talk about their perception that American Values are being lost to the numerous changes that the Country is undergoing. I find that concept a curious one, since the United States that I live in has NEVER been all that great. I wonder what wonderful American Values I have been missing out on?

There is an interesting, if not shameful, mythology built up around the History of the United States of America. There are songs, speeches, mottos, and jingoisms that proclaim the Superiority, "Freedom," and "Liberty" that the United States represents in the World. It is frequently billed, at least by American Media, Government, and Business, as the "most Democratic and Free Nation in the World." Such claims always make jaded and Doubting Assholes like myself cringe, however.

On top of the obvious and clear Elitism that such statements represent, there is the question of whether or not such claims even approach Reality. Is the United States the "Freest Nation in the World"?

Apparently, there may be some actual debate as to whether or not the United States is actually the "Freest Nation on Earth." Even though it is hard to find anyone inside the United States willing to publicly suggest that other Countries may actually be freer than this one, it would seem that such people [aside from myself] actually DO exist.

There is a commonly used term for people who do not fully buy into the idea that America is not the "Greatest and Freest Nation Ever": Terrorists. The Newscorp giant Fox News has made this idea into an ongoing Industry. American Exceptionalism is the CORE of Fox News programming. Without the idea that God has Ordained the existence and dominance of the United States, Fox News would be nothing but . . . well . . . a very poorly produced stream of lies.

What troubles me most about the mythology of America the Great is the fact that it is a statement made outside of any objective criteria. Even though there are those who try to quantify "Freedom," there is really no scientifically and time tested method of determining how "Free" a Country actually is. Since the word "Freedom" means very different things to different people, it would seem unlikely that there ever could be a standard on which to base any comparisons.

In many respects, belief in American Exceptionalism is a lot like belief in Bigfoot. You can either disbelieve completely because no one has conclusively proven it to be real, or accept the grainy photos and lack of scientific evidence as only proof that there is a lack of will to find it. Since our Media is very adept at making Money via such uncertainties - as the abundance of shows and movies about both American Exceptionalism AND Bigfoot might show - it is hard to get anyone to do any actual Empirical Research on either subject.

Yet, the belief persists among many in the United States that things were somehow better in the past. The losses of "Freedoms" or "Liberties" mentioned in the Link above could actually have been noted, in one form or another, at any period in our History where similar or Parallel Circumstances or Technologies existed. Phone Taps have been done without Court Orders ever since Phones have existed, and people have been subject to unannounced and broad search and detainment for as long as the United States has existed. The difference now is that we have, in ever advancing Technologies, better ways of distributing information about such abuses without the assistance of the Mainstream Media.

So, while many in the Cold War Middle Class Anglo Neighborhoods of the Midwest have always thought their communities different from Urban Inner City Neighborhoods of Color, those differences may not have been so great as imagined. Murder, Rape, Theft, and all other manner of Criminal Activity takes place everywhere on Earth. In the United States, some communities have had the attention of the Media on their Crime for decades, while other communities have not.

When a couple of Mentally Ill youngsters killed a large number of High School Students at an affluent suburban High School in Colorado, suddenly there was Media Attention. It is not that Crime never existed in Columbine before the two Mentally Ill youngsters committed Mass Murder, it is just that the Media did not take an interest in reporting on Crime in Columbine before that point. Hence, the idea that Crime happens in places like Columbine, ridiculously and perversely shocked the Nation and the World.

You may not wish to pay to read the full Article, but that is not a problem. The fact that someone in the Academic Community perceived that there could be a difference between levels of, and the nature of, Crimes in "Nonmetropolitan" Areas [read in the word "Urban" here], should be enough to let one know that perceptions of about this subject may vary. [I know, long sentence!] But what does this have to do with American Exceptionalism?

Well, for one thing, it highlights the way that perceptions about the Nature of Life inside the United States can vary. For many people living in areas of the United States where a large number of Crimes have statistically been noted to happen more frequently, people may perceive themselves to be less safe. As a result, those people may have perceptions and ideas about Freedom in the United States that may be slightly less than optimistic that those who live in heavily protected and affluent Gated Communities, where Crime may happen less often. If that is the case, then the perceptions of different Communities may very well have varied throughout American History. People in the poorest of Communities did not often determine what went into our History Books, however. Those kinds of decisions were generally left to those in seats of power and authority.

If the Occupy Wall Street Movement has done anything useful at all, it is to highlight that there is clearly a vast difference in the way different Groups of People in the United States are experiencing Life here.

For the Richest People in this Nation, Life is going fairly well. For the Middle Class and Poor, it may not going so well.

Has there really ever been a point in American History where the majority of Citizens lived a comfortable and contented Lifestyle?

Up until about the start of the 20th Century, the overwhelming majority of people in the United States were involved in the Business of Agriculture in one manner or another - most either had extremely small Subsistence Farms, or worked as Laborers on the Farms of others. Most lived had incomes that would likely be considered "Below Poverty Level" by current standards, and extremely few people actually lived with what might be considered "Creature Comforts."

It was only after the end of the Second World War that the Middle Class in the United States grew notably, and many saw previously unheard of improvements in their standard of living. It was actually at this point that the idea of the American Dream became a limited Reality for some.

Incomes have not continued to grow, however. Real Personal Incomes have actually decreased, and most families can no longer survive without Multiple Incomes in a single Household.

So, as we look back at History, we see that for most, Life has not been all that peachy in the United States. As the concept of "Free Speech" was recently equated to Money by the Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision, it could be argued that the average person in the United States has less "Free Speech" than ever, because they have less Economic Power to work with.

As for actual Civil Rights, with the realization of the Patriot Act and other Laws which have expanded the Power of the State, and diminished the Rights of Individuals, it would really be hard to argue that we have more Civil Rights than ever.

I would hope that no one would argue that the Pre-Civil-War United States was a land of fantastic Liberties. Until 1865, and the end of Slavery in the United States, people could still be held as Indentured Servants, as part of a Contract, or as part of fulfilling a Court Determined Legal Debt. People who owed too much Money could be put in prison, and property was regularly taken away from people by corrupt Local Governments. The Supreme Court actually recently expanded the Eminent Domain Laws to include confiscation of property for Business Purposes, so an ongoing sketchy Governmental practice is now legal.

So, if we look honestly at our History, we will see that we have not actually had as many Rights or Advantages as all the Jingoistic noise might suggest. Our Nation has been one of great Economic Disparity for the largest majority of its History, and Property Rights & Privacy Rights have always been granted in absolute deference to Political Expediency, and Corruption.

Now I go back to wondering: What parts of past American Life and Values are so many people supposedly pining for? Could it actually be a point before they actually became aware of just how much we are like the rest of World in our not-so-well-hidden imperfections? If so, perhaps it is their lack of awareness has helped allow those imperfections to go resolved until now. Just something to think about.

Peace and Compassion to you.
