Friday, April 29, 2011

I Didn't Make It On Thursday - SORRY!

In light of the current "Healthcare Debate," I thought I might ask the Readers of my Blog to Register their Opinions about what they believe that the Legislature of the United States should do about the Issue. There is much disagreement on the Issue, but honestly, who cares? Just Register your Vote in the Poll to the Right! Take a look at this odd Video, and then think hard about your Choice!

To be Fair, here is a Moronic Video [Does that give away my own REASONABLE AND COMPASSIONATE Position on Healthcare?] that presents the [misguided] case against Universal Healthcare:

For those of you that are MILITANT about your opinions, I thought I should include a Video that might help clarify what the Issue is really all about. I believe this COULD help you change your Mind, should you be MILITANT about your Opposition to Universal Healthcare, especially.

In case I haven't made it obvious enough, I FAVOR THE SINGLE PAYER UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BEING ENACTED TOMORROW! I hope that I have influenced enough to at least Vote for that, even if you hate the idea. I plan on using the Results in Future Posts, and on other Blogs that I write for to debunk your actual Foolish and Greedy Beliefs.

As well, to all those whom I promised to Post for on Thursday, I know it's Friday now. I am genuinely sorry that I went TWO WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT A POST! Something odd happened: My Life. I am actually involved in other Projects, AND things happen when I least like them to. [Can anyone fix THAT for me?] But, I am saying, here and now, please continue to check the Blog EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL, and pass the Link for the Blog on to EVERY HUMAN YOU KNOW! Also, consider making a DONATION on the Right, as I actually do have costs associated with staying alive. And, like every other person living in this CORPORATE FASCIST STATE THAT IS JUST BLAZING FURTHER AND FURTHER TO THE RIGHT [Is there actually something to the Right of Fascism?], I am being crushed under the ever increasing cost of EVERYTHING. [Regular Unleaded Gasoline in my Area is actually $4.29/Gallon]. Now, I done apologizing and begging. Vote or be eaten by the Clone of Godzilla that is standing behind you right now.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today and Tomorrow - Should I Be Happy or Sad?

Tomorrow, I am going to do a Post on the Corruption in the Israeli Knesset [sounds joyful, no?]. That should please EVERYONE, since criticism of anything related to Israel always brings out the best in everyone [Duck!]. I fully expect lots of nasty comments, and rocks thrown at me when I walk down Melrose Avenue in Hollywood next Thursday at 10:00 AM [Hint].

For today, however, I am trying to decide if I should do an uplifting Post, or one that makes Readers suicidal [just in case the Events in the World are not already enough]. If anyone has input to offer, please do. I may ignore it, or I may use it. Please feel free to send Nude Photos with your suggestions [no, I'm not joking].

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Something Positive About Brave A Man to Watch

I will spare everyone my sardonic [cool word, no?] repartee today, and just post a link to this very cool and inspiring Video that will probably get me killed someday. Hope you enjoy it!

Hope you find it Educational!

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Vietnamese Video to Cheer Everyone Up After Easter

Check out this very unique and powerful Vietnamese Video:

If this doesn't have you chuckling and snorting like a Pig, then you are suffering from Compassion. Cheers.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ayn Rand - Capitalist Psycho Hag

There is a notion wafting about in the World Today that it is generally Courageous and Desirable to be Greedy. That IS true in much the same way as it is Courageous to beat up Old Ladies, and Desirable to whore your Five Year Old Daughter. Many of the biggest Greed Jockeys are People within the Government and Corporate Realms - AND are Fans of Ayn Rand. Some Prime Examples are [in no particular order]:

  • Clarence Thomas - Dim-Witted Supreme Court Justice who famously did not realize that he had to declare his Wife's Income on their Tax Returns.
  • Alan Greenspan - Former Chair of the Federal Reserve who raised and lowered the Prime Interest Rate based on Readings from a Ouija Board.
  • John Stossel - Former ABC and Current Fox News Libertarian Troll whose notion of "Objectivity" would please the Late Adolf Hitler.
  • Neil Peart - The Drummer From the Rock Band Rush . . . and I'm not saying anything rude about him because I love Rush . . . too bad if you wanted me dog Him [I used my Get Out of Sarcasm Free Card here]!
  • Paul Ryan - Greed Mongering Congressman and Vertical Turd from Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District.
  • John Mackey - CEO, Co-Founder, and Head Clown of the Overpriced Anti-Labor Natural Food Circus known as Whole Foods.
Who is this much admired and long dead Capitalist Psycho Hag? She has caught the fancy of many a Fascist Boy and Girl, but where the Hell did she come from? Check out Her Brief Biography on the Ayn Rand Institute Website:

Take note that she was raised in the Bolshevik Ruled Soviet-Union, and treated poorly by the Government Officials [or as Rand called them "Communist Thugs"]. She objected to their concept of "Collectivism," [she did not Play Well with Others], and further rejected the Concept of Ethical Altruism [the Idea of Mandatory Cooperation and Collective Responsibility - or what most of us Normal People call "COMMON DECENCY"]. She actually did support the concepts of SELFISHNESS and ABSOLUTE INDIVIDUALISM, which is what should make her the Anathema of Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist alike [many do not get "it," however].

Here is a 1959 Interview where she explains her Greed-Babble-Pseudo-Philosophy to current 60 Minutes Host & Zombie Mike Wallace:

Rand's Philosophy really boils down to a Single Nonsensical Sentence:

Objectivism: Living Life as a Greedy Mr. Spock-Like Asshole [re: Original Star Trek], without offering any Consideration and/or Compassion for other Living and Breathing Carbon-Based Life Forms.

Why does this appeal to so many [Stupid] People around the World? Let's list some possible Reasons:

  • It's the "Right thing to do." No, that doesn't work. Being a Selfish and Greedy Turd cannot possibly be the "Right Thing to do," unless you are aspiring to be a Disciple of Dick Cheney, Adolf Hitler, or Lucifer Himself.
  • It makes sense for America and the World. No, that doesn't work either. It is hard to imagine how being a Self-Serving Turd could possibly foment a more orderly and ethical Society. After the Revelations of the Actions of numerous Fortune 500 CEOs during the 2007+ "Economic Downturn," it is hard to envision anyone saying "Gosh, those Greedy Fucks at AIG were Right!"
  • It will "Stimulate the Economy." Now, many Fans of Ayn Rand's Novel, Atlas Shrugged, may actually have suffered enough Brain Damage from too many 6:00 AM Martinis to believe this possible Reason, but there is actually no evidence that allowing uncontrolled and unchecked Greed to Rule the Market [via the Magical Mystical Psychedelic Lassez-Faire Capitalism] will ultimately result in a more Robust and Nascent Booming Economy.
  • It works because Corporations and Ultra-Rich People say it works. The only Logical and Metered Response I can offer to those People who believe this possible Reason is - Fuck You! If you actually believe this, you are either some Executive from a Large Corporation, A Wealthy Magnate, or someone who has dropped too many Tabs of LSD, or Drank Moonshine way too often!
So, what should we do about those People who believe in the Pseudo-Philosophy proffered by the Dead Capitalist Psycho Hag? My honest and serious advice is that we should ALL tell them to "Fuck Off and Grow Up." Most of us get past the "Anal Retentive" Phase of Development [see Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development] during early Childhood. Wanting "All the Toys" might be cool while you are stewing in your own Poop while engaged "Potty Training," but it is anything but cool when you are running a Transnational Corporation.

Let's all agree that, regardless of what our Religious or Spiritual Background might be, the Population of the World cannot thrive and survive on the Rules of Objectivism - mainly because the whole Concept is a load of Crap proposed by a Person who could just as easily have been a Babbling Bag Lady on the Streets in Chicago, [Outside of the University of Chicago - Think about it!], as an Idolized Icon of Libertarian and Capitalist Success who is worshipped by Corporate Coin Snorters, and Power-Hungry Trolls.

Happy Easter! [Unless you are not Christian]

Here is a tidy Easter Tidbit Video that should make your Easter much livelier. If you are easily offended, do not watch it. Otherwise, HAPPY EASTER!

Also, stay tuned for an Easter Post on everyone's Favorite Capitalist Psycho Troll Hag, Ayn Rand. I will chat a bit about what makes her a Favorite among Greed Mongers, Liars, and Power Hungry Corrupt Psychos. Also, sometimes next Week, at Post on Israeli Knesset's "Difficulties with Honesty in their Business Dealings." [Eventually, I expect that my Posts will Piss Off someone that is Heavily Armed]. Have a Happy Sappy Easter!